From the moment the lights dimmed, I found myself immersed into the story. It had so many poignant moments, that I don't want to spoil for the people due to see the play. What I will say is the word ALMOST and the story involving this word, really spoke to me, deep in my core. There were so many moments I could write about, but go and experience them for yourself!
Mandy, Knaresborough Audience Member
The original music is fantastic, the songs are catchy and the melodies effective, the harmonies are a cacophony of beautiful sounds that pull at the heart strings...The way in which the tragedies of the story are handled is delicate and respectful, the sad parts really land with a gut punch and the music only elevates these moments.
Theatre Scotland, Review
★ ★ ★ ★
Although familiar with the hymn I was unaware of the story, the history behind it. As a lover of musicals and history I thought this was an amazing production that spoke to my soul. I had tears streaming down my face by the end and it gave me lots to think about. I just wish it had been on for longer so I could've recommended it to others and come again.
Mandy, Hull Audience Member

Act 1 is where the show particularly shines, with an immersive town hall meeting morphing into working songs with period instruments, the humble beginnings of Philip Bliss and the early days of his career, in an exciting and fresh perspective on music and religion. Played masterfully by Adam Stone, Bliss’ seemingly unbridled joy and hope is as infectious as it is entertaining.
Forge Press, Review